EIT Graduate Diploma in Professional Accounting
The Graduate Diploma in Professional Accounting is a 120 credit, one year full-time programme at Level 7. It enables students who have completed a degree without the required accounting and related studies to meet the academic requirements for membership to the New Zealand Institute of Chartered Accountants (NZICA).
At the end of this programme graduates will have met the academic requirements for membership of NZICA (CA College) and will be prepared to start their practical experience and NZICA CA program.
This qualification completes the academic requirements so students can commence their practical experience to become a Chartered Accountant. This will lead to a wide
number of employment opportunities in professional practice, industry and the public sector.
Subject Areas
-Financial and management accounting.
-Business finance.
-Accounting information systems.
-Law and business environment subjects
EIT Graduate Diploma in Business
The EIT Graduate Diploma in Business is a Level 7 programme of at least 120 credits which is designed so that students can select one of the following endorsements:
a. Accounting
b. Management
c Marketing
d. Information Systems
An unendorsed diploma is also available.All students intending to enrol in this programme should make an appointment with the programme coordinator to discuss their course of study.Typically, a full-time student will take four courses in each semester.This programme of study includes holiday or study breaks during which there are no scheduled classes. These breaks usually align with school holidays, but this may not always be the case. Students may find it necessary to spend time during non-teaching weeks working on assignments and other study-related tasks set during the teaching weeks.
a. EIT Graduate Diploma in Business (Accounting)
The Accounting endorsement aims to provide students with the opportunity to add studies in accounting and finance to an undergraduate qualification in another discipline area. This endorsement will provide the courses required to meet the accounting content of the tertiary study component for provisional admission to the Associate Chartered Accountants College (ACA) of the New Zealand Institute of Chartered Accountants (NZICA).In particular, the accounting endorsement is designed to help graduates to demonstrate a technical, analytical and conceptual understanding of the role of accounting in the business environment and to assist management and clients with the financial impacts of broader business issues by using a wider range of skills to address those issues,including non-accounting business skills.
b. EIT Graduate Diploma in Business (Management)
The Management endorsement aims to provide students with the opportunity to add management studies to an undergraduate qualification in other disciplines.In particular, the management endorsement is designed to assist students to demonstrate a sound knowledge of the wide body of management principles and concepts,demonstrate a technical, analytical and conceptual understanding of the role of management in the business environment, to respond to the changing economic, technological,political, legal, organisational and social environments,as these relate to the practice of management and to apply ethical and moral concepts to the practice of management of people and operations in a workplace.
c. EIT Graduate Diploma in Business (Marketing)
The Marketing endorsement aims to provide students with the opportunity to add marketing studies to an undergraduate qualification in other disciplines.In particular, the Marketing endorsement is designed to prepare students to demonstrate a sound knowledge of the wide body of marketing principles and concepts,demonstrate a technical, analytical and conceptual understanding of the role of marketing in the business environment, to foster a strategic and global perspective in the practice of marketing and to communicate in a variety of settings using oral, written and multimedia presentation techniques.The graduate is also able to respond to the changing economic, technological,political, legal and social environments, as these relate to the practice of marketing by applying ethical and moral concepts to the practice of marketing.
d. EIT Graduate Diploma in Business (Information Systems)
The Information Systems endorsement aims to provide students with the opportunity to add studies in information systems to an undergraduate qualification in another discipline area.In particular, the information systems endorsement is designed to prepare students to demonstrate a sound knowledge and understanding of the wide area of information systems as they relate to the business environment and analyse human and organisational information needsin a business environment and design solutions tomeet these needs.
"I completed my MA Human Resource Management from the University of Wolverhampton.I was very fortunate to have experienced British Culture and life while acquiring an Internationally recognised Degree and studying in a multi-cultural environment"
- Medha Singh Bhandari