Phone: +977-1-4410193
Dashrath Chand Marg, Bishalnagar


Synaptein International, is a professional Education Consultancy engaged in career counseling and providing guidance to Nepalese students seeking Higher Education abroad. Besides counseling, we provide English language classes, International English Language Testing System (IELTS), pre-departure briefing, visa interview preparation classes and other services related to education.

Synaptein International’s expert counselors and advisors will assist you in every way to fulfill your educational needs. Synaptein is also well connected through an international network and works along quality guidelines to assist students to gain admission in prestigious universities and colleges that best suit them.

Message from the Proprietor

"In an ever changing world, where demands are increasing, technologies evolving, and services improving, individuals are working day-in day-out in providing quality services that cater to the needs of millions.In this competitive world, Synaptein International has emerged as a trusted name in the education and study abroad sector.Your needs serve as a drive for us to fulfill our mission and goals. That’s why our motto “we connect. you grow” so clearly states that we seek to provide services in an international environment by liaising with so many world class institutions and organizations and in doing so, we help you learn and grow into a confident, motivated member of society.'Synaptein' in Greek, means, ‘to secure’ or ‘to fasten’. We help secure your future. That’s what we strive for.

Put your trust and faith in us and watch how you grow !"

Pratigya Thapa

Proprietor/ Director Administration & Operations

Student feedback

"I completed my MA Human Resource Management from the University of Wolverhampton.I was very fortunate to have experienced British Culture and life while acquiring an Internationally recognised Degree and studying in a multi-cultural environment"

- Medha Singh Bhandari