Phone: +977-1-4410193
Dashrath Chand Marg, Bishalnagar

Travel Arrangements

It is very important that a student arrives safely and has booked and confirmed travel arrangements to the destination they set out for.

Synaptein suggests and advises students of travel routes including flights, connecting flights, trains, buses, cars etc through trusted travel agents.

They also help a student compare and check which travel route is most feasible and affordable.A student is also advised to apply for travel insurance in some cases.

Before any student leaves Nepal, Synaptein offers them a pre-departure briefing which is compulsory for every Synaptein student to attend so that travel advice can be imparted including luggage limitations, items to be bought and restricted items, travel advice for first-timers including offering a student links with trusted and reliable travel agents, if they so require.

In some instances, Synaptein also offers students pick-up services from the international airports and destinations.

It is advisable that students be well-aware of bogus deals and scams that are sometimes available over the internet regarding cheap travel options.



Student feedback

"I completed my MA Human Resource Management from the University of Wolverhampton.I was very fortunate to have experienced British Culture and life while acquiring an Internationally recognised Degree and studying in a multi-cultural environment"

- Medha Singh Bhandari